Sunday, November 14, 2010

Things I am Grateful for..

I had a discussion the other day with a co worker about we really do take things for granted and we should be grateful. I had to stop and think about things I am really truely grateful for. She asked me to name some of them. So here is my list of what I am grateful for:

1. Family- even though my family drives me aboustely batty some days, I know that they will always have my back when I need it.

2. Friends- they are always there when I need a hug, a shoulder to cry on, or just need a ear to talk to. Or help plan crazy ideas that you go huh I hope we don't get caught...

3. Music- is such a huge part of my life. I don't know when I am not listening to it or have a song in my head. It makes a bad mood go away, cures heartache or makes you want to sing from the roof tops on the top of your lungs.

4. Saying NO!- I recently had a huge disagreement at work with some of my bosses this lead me to saying no to some of my shifts and I can say its really nice to be able to say NO! to people when I am over worked and tired and I can't take on another project. I've discovered that the more I say it-the easier it gets to say.

5. Naps- I got home today after doing a load of errands and I sat on the couch and promptly fell asleep. I had planned to do other things before I even thought of a nap. Life lately was been busy lately that I haven't had the chance to just relax and have a nap and just restore myself.

6. Laughter- Nothing makes any day better than a down and out laugh until you cry laugh. I feel so much better after I do it and I go why don't I do more of this? The other day was a prefect example Patty and my co-workers just laughed the whole shift and I left so much better when I left that day.

7. Hugs- I can have the crappiest day ever and then one of my friends can give me a hug or send a hug over text, Facebook or twitter and I feel so much better.

8. My Mum- is amazing. She raised both me and my sister all by herself with out help. I don't know how she juggled working, going to school, making sure we got to rehearsals, various practises and them some. My mum was a supermom. To this day, I have no idea how she did it. For that, I am grateful for my mum.

9. Knowing I am still under construction and growing every day- I am. I am always changing, learning and growing every day. I can say that I was not the same person I was 5 years ago. I have learned some new lessons, dealt with some of my faults and learned to be myself. I know I will never be prefect but then we are only human and I've learned that's okay.

1 comment:

  1. I am grateful for your ability to share and for your friendship.

    You are wonderful, K.

